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How to activate Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator?

How to activate Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator?

To activate Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, first you have to download the Steam App on your phone. It is an essential step to enable Steam Guard. If you already have the Steam app, to activate Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the Steam app on your phone
  2. Click on the shield icon in the middle of the menu bar at the bottom of the main page

3. Click "Add authenticator" at the bottom of the page

4. Enter your phone number and click "Next"

5. Steam will send you a code to verify your phone number 6. Enter the code and click "Verify code"

7. Steam will show you a recovery code, please save it in a safe place, and do not share it anywhere

See how to check your Steam Guard status here

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