Rust is one of the most popular online games, where players compete with each other or work together to try and survive in a harsh post-apocalyptic world. Whether you’re just gathering resources or engaging in Rust PvP, you are bound to encounter other players on your journeys.
At its core, Rust is a multiplayer game and is meant to be played as such. However, if the presence of other players is too stressful for you, there’s a way to enjoy the game completely on your own. Here’s a quick guide on how to play Rust solo.
Remember, if you ever want to change up your loadout, you can always sell Rust skins for real money at Skinomat!
Why Would You Want to Play Rust Solo?
Rust is a competitive online game, and working with or against other players is an integral part of its gameplay. However, while the regular Rust server wipes are carried out in order to balance the gameplay, experienced players will always have a significant advantage over those who are new to the game. This means that no matter what, you’ll always feel the other player’s breath down your neck. At any given time, you might find yourself attacked, or your Rust base can come under attack by a raiding party.
For many gamers, this type of gameplay is simply stressful and not that fun. Multiplayer Rust can be seriously brutal, and with players capable of looting your body and base building, a single death can set you back a significant amount of time. Many players prefer to enjoy the game without this pressure, since surviving and gathering resources in the world of Rust is already difficult enough by itself.
In addition, playing Rust solo can be a great way to learn the game. New players might find it hard to compete for resources with more experienced gamers who have a vast knowledge of the game. This can be a very discouraging experience, and you can learn the basics of the game by yourself, without having to take a brutal beating in the process. By playing Rust solo, you can learn where all the basic resources are, where the Rust monuments are located, and where the best Rust base locations are.
How to Play Rust Solo?
Playing Rust solo is incredibly easy. All you need to do is host your own Solo server, inaccessible to other players. This might sound complex, but with our guide, you can quickly start a local Rust server for you to explore the game at your own leisure. Here’s how to start a solo Rust server:
- Download SteamCMD: SteamCMD is an app which allows you to use a command line to run and use Steam apps. You will need SteamCMD to download the files necessary to host your own Rust server.
- Install Rust server: Once SteamCMD is installed, open it and enter the following commands one at a time in the following order:
- login anonymous
- force_install_dir “c:\rustserver\”
- app_update 258550
- quit
These commands will most likely take a a couple of minutes to execute. Once it’s finished, your Rust server is up and running, and its data should be available on your PC in the rustserver directory.
- Connect to the server in-game: Once you’ve got the server running, you can connect to it in-game. Start Rust, and press F1 on the title screen to enter console commands. Enter client.connect localhost:28015 and press enter. This should start loading you up into your own Rust dedicated server.
If you’ve followed all of the steps above successfully, you should now be within your solo world, free to explore the game at your leisure.
Can You Get Rust Skins in Solo Play?
Yes, you can get free Rust skins just for playing solo. Like many other Steam games Rust gives you a free skin drop after playing the game for a certain amount of time. While this isn’t the best way to get Rust skins, you can get new items while learning the game, which makes this a good method for new players to build up their inventories.
Do Solo Servers Wipe?
Yes, Rust solo servers wipe on a regular basis, just like any other server in Rust. Each time FacePunch carries out a forced wipe, it will also reset all of your solo servers as well. You won’t be able to continuously build as much as you want, since your constructs and resources will eventually reset.
In Conclusion
As you can see, starting your own solo server in Rust is relatively easy, and can come at great benefits, allowing you to learn the game at your own pace.
If you enjoyed this guide, make sure to check out the rest of our blog, where we regularly post more tips, tricks, Rust guides, and even let you sell Steam items for real money!
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