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What does my item's status mean?

What does my item's status mean?

On Skinomat each item has a status, which declares if it is available for trade. Statuses updates according to our current stock and general demand. Unfortunately we don't know and can't predict when the item's status will change.

How can I check the status of any item?

Just hover the cursor over an interesting item. There should appear a pop-up informing you about the current item's status.

What does the item status mean?

  • Trade Locked - Item is on Trade Lock and can't be traded again in the next 8-10 days. You need to wait until Trade Lock's over.
  • Overstock - Our current stock is enough for this item. Try selling it another time.
  • Not Tradable - Item is not tradable at any time. You cannot exchange it here.
  • Not Accepted - We cannot accept this item. It may be overstocked, unstable priced or simply not approved this time.
  • Missing - Item is missing from the inventory. It was already traded away, or is currently in trade.
  • In Trade - The item is in trade now.

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