The Heavy Weapons Guy, known simply as the Heavy, is possibly one of the most important classes in the game. Whether you’re attacking or defending, your team can always benefit from a couple of heavies. Although they’ve got a slow speed of movement, their primary weapon, the minigun, can wreak absolute havoc at medium range. The highest health in the game, combined with the highest damage output make the Heavy a certified killing machine, and a great target for a fully charged uber.

Heavy weapons guy is often cited as the easiest class to play in the game. Although Heavy can be very forgiving with his high health, there’s a lot to learn if you want to really become one of the best heavies in the game. Here at Skinomat we present our guide on how to play the Heavy like a pro!

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Basic Information

Heavy is one of the most popular classes in the game, and that’s not without a good reason. A cornerstone of any team composition, Heavy is also included in virtually all the promotional material of the game. Although a bit slower than all the other classes, his mini gun has the highest firing rate out of all TF2 weapons, and even the stock minigun can make quick work of all the other class at close range. Heavy can also spin up his gun before firing, allowing him to instantly open fire upon any player in his field of view.

As the tankiest character in the game, Heavy has a total of 300 health points. This means that an overhealed Heavy will have a health pool of 450 points. Heavy can survives direct hits from any weapon in the game, and an overhealed Heavy can even survive sniper headshots. His standard pump action shotgun can also be replaced with his signature Sandvich, making Heavy even more tanky and allowing him to stay alive without a Medic by his side.

Besides a powerful mini gun, Heavy’s melee weapon can also instantly kill any player with its taunt. His vanilla weapon, as well as any variation of the Heavy fists, allows him to use a taunt, which can kill any enemy standing in line in front of him. Although it has a short range, it’s actually one of the easier taunts to hit, and if you’re lucky, you should be able to instantly take out enemies from behind cover.

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Best Heavy Tips

Heavy is considered one of the easiest classes to play, with his high survivability and combat power, his low movement speed can make him a vulnerable and easy target. This is why in order to be an even bigger asset to your team you need to learn how to get the most out of the Heavy class. Here is our best Team Fortress 2 Heavy guide that will help you mow down tiny baby men on the enemy team and completely dominate the map!

Fight On The Frontlines

Whether defending or attacking, Heavies make the best frontline fighters in the game. With 300 HP they can take a direct hit from most weapons, and an overhealed Heavy can even tank a fully-upgraded sentry for a couple of seconds. Heavy is the best tank class in the game, and is extremely useful in all game modes, on both sides as well. On payload maps, Heavy can effectively push the payload while shrugging off enemy attacks, while at point capture maps he can excel at defending the point. Pretty much every team composition can benefit from more damage and health provided by another Heavy. If you’re deciding on what to pick during a match, Heavy will almost always be a safe bet.

Protect Medics

In case you’re not aware yet, when playing as a Heavy, a Medic is your best friend. With an overheal from a standard medi-gun you can get a total of 450 health points. This is the most health points you can have in the game, making the Heavy-Medic combo the tankiest in the game. However, this powerhouse is highly dependent on the Medic surviving in combat. Sadly, they are susceptible to back stabs, sticky bombs, and many other hazards. Remember to always deal first with any threats to your medic, before firing at anything else. Also, remember not to hoard medics as Heavy. While the 450 health pool is very attractive, remember that you’re already tanky, and don’t really need the extra health to survive in-game. Let the Medics in your team take care of other wounded players, and make sure they stay safe at the frontlines.

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Practice Aiming

Although most players like the Havy gameplay so much because they can spin up their minigun and never stop firing a good heavy will know how to aim their weapon effectively. While the different Heavy mini-guns provide a lot of firepower, a Heavy with poor aim can be easily neutralized even by Scouts and Pyros. If you want to be useful for your team and give them the classic killing machine Heavy experience, be sure to practice your aim. A well-aimed barrage from your mini-gun can take out most players in a matter of seconds, but you won’t be a whole lot of use if the enemy can keep dodging!

Choose Appropriate Weapons

Like many other classes in the game, Heavy has a large selection of different guns the class can use. If you’ve got different weapons in your Steam account inventory, make sure to always choose the best one for every situation. Mini-guns like the Brass Beast are a great choice for the Heavy that’s supposed to tank for your team, but Natasha will allow you to fire slowing bullets, making it a more effective choice for suppressive fire. Make sure to always research what are the best Heavy load-outs to stay the most effective. Also, make sure to check out our guide on the best Heavy weapons in the game!

Remember You Can Share Food

One thing that many new Heavy players forget, is that you can share your food with other players. This means that you can drop your chocolate bar or a sandvich for others to pick up. This most often simply heals them, and while most Heavy food items only have one or two ammo charges, sharing your food with teammates can sometimes save them in a dire situation. Although you should mostly conserve your food so that you can heal yourself, remember that you can always help your teammates, if the situation gets bad.

In Conclusion

Here’s our best Heavy guide for Team Fortress 2. If you ever need more guides for TF2, be sure to check out the rest of our blog, especially our TF2 trading guide. Also, if you have any TF2 items for sale, make sure to visit Skinomat, where you can quickly turn your TF2 skins into real money.

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